Основые вопросы на собеседовании: подготовка ответов для успешного прохождения интервью

Пройдите тест, узнайте какой профессии подходите и получите бесплатную карьерную консультацию
В конце подарим скидку до 55% на обучение
Я предпочитаю
Работать самостоятельно и не зависеть от других
Работать в команде и рассчитывать на помощь коллег
Организовывать и контролировать процесс работы
  • Research company deeply, align skills with job description.
  • Prepare narrative for "Tell me about yourself" highlighting professional journey and achievements.
  • Demonstrate interest in position/company by mentioning specific aspects that excite you.
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses relevant to job, discuss improvements on weaknesses.
  • Use STAR method for behavioral questions: Situation, Task, Action, Result.
  • Align career goals with company's trajectory, discuss motivations aligning with role.
  • Know market rates for salary, be ready to discuss expectations and negotiate.
  • Ask insightful questions about team dynamics, company culture, showing deep interest.

Understanding the job and company

  • Research the company: Deep dive into the company's history, culture, and recent news. Use resources like the company's website, LinkedIn, and industry news to understand their market position and challenges.
  • Align your skills and experiences: Match your skills, experiences, and achievements with the job description. Prepare to discuss how your background makes you the ideal candidate for the position.
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Preparing for common interview questions

  • "Tell me about yourself": Craft a concise narrative that highlights your professional journey, key achievements, and how they align with the job you're applying for.
  • "Why are you interested in this position/company?": Demonstrate genuine interest by mentioning specific aspects of the company or role that excite you, based on your research.
  • "What are your strengths and weaknesses?": Identify strengths that are directly relevant to the job. For weaknesses, choose those you're actively working to improve and explain how.

Behavioral questions using the STAR method

  • Prepare STAR responses: For questions about challenges, teamwork, or conflict, structure your answers with Situation, Task, Action, and Result. This method helps you deliver clear and concise answers that highlight your problem-solving and teamwork skills.

Questions about career goals and motivation

  • "Where do you see yourself in five years?": Align your career goals with the company's trajectory, showing ambition while demonstrating a realistic understanding of the industry.
  • "What motivates you?": Discuss motivations that align with the role and company culture, such as solving complex problems, contributing to team success, or personal growth.

Salary expectations

  • Know your worth: Research the market rates for the position in your location. Be prepared to discuss your salary expectations, but also express willingness to negotiate based on the overall compensation package.

Questions to ask the interviewer

  • Prepare insightful questions: Ask about team dynamics, company culture, recent successes or challenges, and what success looks like for the role. This shows your deep interest in the position and company.